Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain
Right, so here's my O level schedule, for those who are curious. Whether you care or not, I don't give a crap. But this be my last post until O levels. At least, until 13 November, cause I can't give a shit about CLB. [Inspired by BFFAE. xD]
PURE PHYSICS (SPA) CourseworkPURE CHEMISTRY (SPA) CourseworkENGLISH Oral -=- 17/08/09CHINESE B Oral -=- 28/09/09ENGLISH Paper 1 -=- 26/10/09 -=- 1.30 - 3.15ENGLISH Paper 2 -=-26/10/09 -=- 4.00 - 5.40MATHEMATICS Paper 1 -=- 27/10/09 -=- 2.30 - 4.30MATHEMATICS Paper 2 -=- 28/10/09 -=- 2.30 - 5.00ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS Paper 1 -=- 29/10/09 -=- 2.30 - 4.30ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS Paper 2 -=- 30/10/09 -=- 2.30 - 5.00SOCIAL STUDIES -=- 02/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.30 amCHEMISTRY Paper 2 -=- 02/11/09 -=- 2.00 - 3.45 pmELECTIVE HISTORY -=- 03/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.30 amPHYSICS Paper 2 -=- 04/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.45 amPURE GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 -=- 04/11/09 -=- 2.00 - 3.30 pmPURE GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 -=- 09/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.30 amPHYSICS Paper 1 -=- 10/11/09 -=- 2.00 - 3.00
CHINESE B Paper 1 -=- 12/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.00- CHINESE B Paper 2 -=- 12/11/09 -=- 9.45 - 10.45
- CHEMISTRY Paper 1 -=- 13/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 9.00
- CHINESE B Listening Compre -=- 16/11/09 -=- 8.00 - 8.30
Like I said. 13 November is the end. And it's Friday the 13th. xD
Peace out,
9:44 AM
Friday, October 23, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Right, so today was quite a simple day. Planned to study with Mini (Ying Shan) today, so I did. She said to meet at 7, but I thought it was too early so made it to 7.30. Anyway, I woke up at 6.30 and actually tried to catch the 6.45 947 bus. I failed. xD Just when I reached the bus interchange, both 106 and 941 left so, hell, I was alone in the interchange. I smsed Mini and she never replied, so I called her at 7.11 am. And cause I called her, she just woke up. Haha. She smsed me like ten minutes later saying sorry and that she'd be late, so I went on ahead to Mac and bought myself a McMuffin. It costs $2.45. O.O
Halfway waiting, Shaun appeared. OMG! Haha. Hung out with him, then Mini came. Shaun then left us after giving this shit face. Ass. =_=;. Then, we started revision. I did Physics TYS, while she did Geography, cause it was her worst subject.
Yeah. After a while, I ate, and I think I saw my sis' classmate, Caryn, in McDonald. She was walking away and I whispered bye, but Mini suddenly shouted bye and I had to wave like an idiot. >.<
After finishing my TYS, I started on Methodist Girl's School physics paper, and Freida came at exactly noon, so there were the three of us. And I found Mini's weakness! Haha. Something that I recently picked up too. Yay. Anyway, we studied there till three. At least, I did. I tried making Mini study, but she slacked off. And Freida just sat there. >_>
After finishing Cedar Girl's Paper 1, I heck cared their paper 2 and we went off to West Mall, climbing to the top floor before heading back down, then headed to Jurong Point. I saw Ayuu, and her dad. Haha. He stared at me when I smiled at her. Overprotective, I could tell. Seemed friendly, though. Anyway, we were supposed to look for a dress for Mini, but in the end we just ate Mango Ice Kacang at the Kopitiam.
And we headed home after that. Yeah...
Tomorro's cuz birthday. Haha. Can't wait for the party.
I'mma cut my hair!... Shut up, all you short-hair haters! >_>
And I needa buy that present. Klevyn, how?!
Peace out,
10:13 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Me, Klevyn and cousin, Gab.
Right. Well, cause of lack of time due to studies, outings and a recent even, I didn't have much time to blog. Nor did I have much to blog about. Monday was spent studying Maths, cause I went with Anira and Hafiz out to Bukit Batok East CC Mac to study. Saw Noi, Zaty and Ima there. Noi's still so hot. Haha. We studied for like, 2 hours, before Gab called me and asked if I wanted to hang out at Lot 1. So, we left Mac, and I headed for Lot 1. Saw Chanel on the way there, and she didn't recognise me at all. I'm hurt.
Met Gab, talked to her while we headed to her place at Yew Tee. She just moved house. Yeah. Went to her place, started chatting and listening to music in her room. She started taking pictures of us, and then we made a stupid music parody where we would lip-synch like retards to randomly played and skipped songs. Like, halfway through the song and it'll change. The videos on Facebook, if you want it. >_> Went home kinda late, cause we waited for the internet and it only came up at 10.50. What the hell. xD
Anyway, went home and then went to bed. Next morning studied Geog in the morning, before leaving house to meet Gab at Bukit Batok, before leaving to go to Orchard to check out the Ion Orchard mall. Never been there before. We asked Klevyn to meet us there. So, we went to Ion Orchard and damn, everything was so expensive. There was a shop called DSquared, and there was a pair of black-red high-cut sports shoes that cost $749. I walked out the shop wondering if the price was literally squared. Went to Prada. The door was so cool.
*touch* Praaaaadaaaa~
Took some pictures, then went to Wisma and found Gab's presents. Haha. It's going to cost me 49 bucks. Anyway, Klevyn said he already ate, so we just headed to Taka basement the Mcdonald to eat. I treated Gab. Then Klevyn reached. There was this Harley Davidson bike that seemed to belong to Batman. So cool. Went back to Wisma, showed Klevyn the gifts that Gab wanted, before taking more pics as we headed to JP for no reason, before heading back to Gab's place. Took pics with Klevyn's new laptop, and took another music parody too. Too bad the mic was switched off. Damn. Made me sweat so much.
Anyway, went home after that with Klevyn, reaching at about 10 pm. Didn't go home yet. Wandered around Gombak for a while, smsing Hurul, before heading home at about 11.30? Haha.
Then, the next day, I found out that we got no internet or cable. D: My dad had yet to pay the bill, so we got cut off, again. Spent the whole day studying Human Geog, which I'm still bad at.
Today, went to school. Was planning to bring Nadia again, but I overslept, so too bad. xD Went to school at about 9 instead, reaching at 9.45. Studied Physics, but also slacked a couple of hours off. Went to play basketball at 3.30? Wasn't intended. just that everyone was there so we thought, "Why the hell not?"
Anyway, here I am now, at home, with aching legs. Should I go to school to study tomorrow? I don't know. Very distracting. Can someone bring me out to study? >_>
P.S., for the Monday and Tuesday outing pics, go check out my facebook. =D
Peace out,
11:03 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

The Joker always ends up on top.
Well, I went to watch the match between the Singapore Slingers and the Philippines Patriots and once again, I gotta complain. They need to hire foreign referees. Biased idiots. The game was interesting. And the Philippines had more awesome moments than the Slingers, like that major IN-YOUR-FACE block by Andaya and the ankle-breaking dunk over two Singapore Slingers by Powell. The 4th quarter, they were losing by 11 points, but after a surge of energy from 3.00 to 1.00, we cut down the lead by 2 points. It was like, a three pointer, a steal at one end, another three pointer. An intercept pass and a technical foul by Jeffers. Haha.
Then, this was when the streak ended cause of the referee. The Point Guard just got the ball, and I swear it was just three seconds, then the referee called a five-second violation. And from there, it was just bad ball. Ah, hell. We lost 74-69. Hell.
Went to eat at KFC after that, and just went home.
Anyway... After what happened yesterday, I kinda decided ona few things. For one, I've decided not to let myself down so much anymore. I've always been a bouncer, bouncing back up everytime I go down. Ain't gonna be that easy to break me down anymore. And I'm just gonna keep on walking forward, giving support to those I care about, not hold grudges and take whatever I can get. Ain't gonna hope so much anymore.
I know we had a small quarrel, but that doesn't change much. I still care about you, and I'm still worried. It doesn't matter to me whether you give back, but I'll just keep giving. ^o^ And here's two lists I wanna point out; the five things I want to get after 'O's, and the five things I wanna do after 'O's.
5 Things I Want:
- Pump Shoes
- One-size flat-rim cap
- A high-definition camera phone
- A new mp3 player
- A new laptop.
5 Things I Want To Do:
- Join a new dance crew.
- Achieve a built body.
- Improve my basketball skills.
- Get a job.
- Get drunk.
Peace out,
9:05 PM
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Feeling especially grumpy at the moment.
Today was a complete waste of my time. My studying wasn't exactly fruitful, cause I was distracted as fuck. Half of my day was spent sleeping. And the other half reading words. Simply reading. And doing shit nothing with it. Gah, fuck. >_>
I watched Metal Gear Solid : Philanthropy today. A fan-based movie on MGS. I only have one thing to say. The acting fuckin sucks. The story is compelling and interesting, and the action scenes are averagely fun to watch. The characters seem like a good mix too, but the acting simply sucks.
I'm really tired of getting shit. >.<
Sorry about being such an ass, but I'm seriously off the track today. Fuck.
Yay, favourite word of the day! Fuck!
Can someone just pull me out of here? Please?
Peace out,
9:29 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

One of the many pics taken on last day of school.
And it was my last day of school today, at least officially. Haha. Started the day quite tired. Like, sluggish and stuff. Probably cause I found out today was Marking Day for some schools. Dammit. >_>
Went to school with Fanna and Nadia for the first time ever, and ended up sitting alone. Kept on smsing Jieying, but the persistent girl never budged. Hmph. Went up to the hall, then sat with Daniel and Chang Yen. Haven't seen them for a while. The assembly started with a Deepavali performance, and Mr Nagulan is awesome. xD Xin Le made a good Indian Dancer too, surprisingly.
Jieying still being persistent. Then, the other classes went up to check marks, while the Sec 4s and 5s went to have O lvl briefing, and then Graduation Ceremony. You know, the giving of awards to top academic achievers and best behaviours. I got Most Persevering Student of 4E1, and I don't know how. o.o Haha. The speeches were awesome. And Ms Lau got pwn't. xD
Went back to class, had a small session with Mrs Goh and Mr Pu, took a lot of photos from this point, past recess and thirty minutes after school. I think I got 26 photos in my phone, and that's just in my phone. Check Facebook for the others, once I get tagged. Haha. Went to play basketball after school and I played a lot better than I used to last year. I improved a lot! Yay! After basketball, Amalina asked me to go to JE library, so I did. Met her and Syaza there, studied for like, 15 minutes. Saw Nina and Zee too. Went to IMM after that to eat, and the two girls ate so little. >.<
Went home, and now, here I am.
Just wanna thank Bukit Batok Sec for being such a great memory for me. All the good memories and bad, laughters and tears, friendships and rivalries, agreements and conflicts. It was here I met my Retards, Fanna, Nadia and Farhan, and my bruther, Yi Ren, and my BFF, Maybelline. I had my relationships, and my break-ups too. Haha. Thanks for everything.
And get some hip-hop dancers in the school, for crying out loud. >.<
Peace out,
9:50 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Goodbye BBSS. It was fun while it lasted. xD
Tomorrow's my official last day of school. I won't be going back anymore unless I wanna talk to a teacher, or go for an O level paper. That doesn't really count as a school day. Besides, it's like, all in the 8 a.m.s and 1 p.m.s. So, it'll be kinda not the time to meet any of my juniors anymore. Haha. Sorry, Nadia. Can't company you to school anymore. Tomorrow would be the last day.
Nothing much happened today. Wasn't in the mood to go school so I basically crapped my way through the day. For the first time in 9 months, I played soccer. And I scared two goals. One from a back pass from Yuen Kai and another one-on-one against goalkeeper Zhao Xuan. YAY!
Well... Once again, I didn't do much today. Studied Physics. That's kinda all. Short post. o.o
Oh, and I went high on Twitter today. So far, 24 tweets. xD Fun fun.
Anyway, see you all tomorrow! Can't wait for the Grad Ceremony tomorrow.
Peace out,
9:37 PM
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

I know, I've posted this picture before, but that's in the old blog. It doesn't count. =P
So... A lot of things have been happening recently. Both yesterday and today. So, I posted yesterday at... 8.18 PM? no, no. That's messed up. I think it was 1.30. Yeah. Right after that, Gab called me and asked to come over to my place, cause she was locked out of her house. So, I said yeah. But I knew there was something wrong. She was crying over the phone. Wasn't that hard to guess why. She broke up with her boyfriend. So, a few minutes later, she smsed me and asked to meet me at West Mall instead. So, I just ditched my lappie and revision papers there, went to bathe, then met her at West Mall.
She was with Nadia and Fanna. And we stayed at the block near West Mall for a while, before she started to complain about not being able to breathe. I called her mom and told her what happened, and she asked me to bring her to NUH. Of course, she planned to head to my home first to pick her up, but she changed her mind later. So, I took a taxi with her to NUH. We met her mom there, and I stayed with her throughout the examination and stuff. Went to eat dinner there, refused to take aunt's money and almost drove myself to bankruptcy, again. Haha.
Well, she was ok. Just a little stressed out. If you wanna know why, ask her, not me. I don't wanna just say out all her secrets. I respect her enough to do that. I went home at about 8. Tired. Slept at 10. >_>
And today, I woke up kinda late, so I didn't head to school. Then, at about 9, Gab woke me up with a call asked me to come over to keep her company, so I did. And we met at Lot 1, hung out there till 12 noon? Then, we went to meet Batrisha, Rabitah and their friend [Sorry! >.<], before watching them eat cause we already ate JUST before meeting them. What was stupid was that we all ate from Long John Silver. Haha.
Then, we went to her house to watch The Ring. I know I watched it before. I just didn't realise. Watching a movie there was torture, though... Mental torture. Not the movie, but the company. Hell. >_>
Anyway, I'm home now, and I'm tired, so... see you guys tomorrow... Should I go to school? o.o
Peace out,
9:23 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain
Well, due to the immense amount of videos and text in this post, I won't be putting up any pictures. Anyway, I just watched the videos of the World Hip Hop Dance Competition 2009, Adults Category, and I have to say, the judging was kinda... Messed up. I'm gonna put up all the dance videos here as links, so that my blog doesn't lag up, and say a few things or two about them. Oh, and they're in order of their positions.
Note: Please remember to watch in HQ.
R.A.F. Crew, FranceGood: Well, for one thing, I like their costumes. Wearing same attires always makes a crew look more united, after all. And they were original and brave enough to actually use Chop Suey by S.O.A.D. as their main song. That white guy is frikin' flexible. Their routine has a lot of stunts, which is awesome. They did good.
Bad: I'm not sure whether it's the camera angle, but their positioning seems to be a bit off? And there wasn't that much of a kick. You know, the kind that makes your heart jump the moment you see it. Not entirely entertaining, really.
Overall: As good as they did, I personally don't think they would have deserved first prize.
Neutral Zone, MexicoGood: I love the Underworld Lycan theme. Haha. Once again, similar costumes. Their choreo is nice. Kudos on using So Sick's lyrics only, without the music. That part was awesome. The wolf guy's cool, dude.
Bad: There were some parts were some of them started to slack off a bit, like the So Sick song, the guy with the blonde tail.
Overall: Well, these guys deserved to be in the top three. They were considerably nice to watch.
Joyce And The Boys, SingaporeGood: Yes, Singapore. Very little of you know, but you guys got third. Congratulations. Similar costumes again. See what wearing the same attires can do? Haha. I think that among the whole competition, these guys were the most synchronised. Check it out. Not a single misstep, and even if there was, it's almost impossible to spot.
Bad: There was much kick. No extreme stunts, no gasp-producing flips, no nothing much.
Overall: This IS their first participating in the World Hip Hop Dance Competition, and they did a pretty good job. Could do better in adding more variety, but they deserved this spot indeed.
The Philippine All-Stars, The PhilippinesGood: Once again, the PAS invented new ways of using the human body as props for the performance. The tank was awesome. There were plenty of kicks, like Joshua throwing Maya back as he flipped in the air and Laurence (I think) kicking Joshua in the air, right before the topless part. Kudos to the ninja theme, and Kyxz last flip killed it. They did justice to Michael Jackson too.
Bad: As awesome as it was, it did not have as much kick as their winning gold performance in 2008, where Kejhons carried Kyxz off the ground and held him up with one hand, and also Kyxz himself flipping high off Kejhon's chest.
Overall: As 'disappointing' as it was, I think the PAS deserved to have won better than 4th.
Phyzikal Funk, GermanyGood: Cool
choreo. Love the floating walker. And the tie. There were a lot of things going on on stage, but it didn't look messy, so great flow. And the awesome part is, after this performance, one of the guys proposed to one of the girls in the crew. Nice way to get married.
Bad: The costumes were too whacky. There were quite a bit of mess-ups at the ending, but it was cool.
Overall: Can't say it was awesome, but they did a good job. Maybe they are on the right spot.
Rock 8 Collabo, CanadaGood: B-boying part a bit too plain, but the locking part was awesome. The blonde was hot. Haha. I love the variety of songs. Great chemistry, and the macarena was cute. They'd make a good battle crew.
Bad: Once again different costumes, but it wasn't so bad. There wasn't much killing stunts too.
Overall: Well, I don't have much complains. I guess this one was well-judged?
Poreotics, USAGood: An Asian crew in America? Kudos. The costume is great, and the steps are entertaining. Great choreo. It was fun watching them. Quite a comedic performance. Great female faces?
Bad: Some of the steps seem familiar. Too much double arm waves. Could use a little more variety.
Overall: I think they deserved better than 7. They were greatly entertaining, and they were quite synchronised.
Sweet & Sour, New ZealandGood: Island boys? Haha. I'm a big krumping fan, so the first part was awesome. Great expressions. And damn, they shook the whole stage! Great choreo. Is that Yeah? Synchronised on the popping, which is nice. Entertaining bottle pop, and nice round about freeze. The eye brow was funny.
Bad: There were some parts were some members were showing less energy than others. And they could work a little on their ending. The other endings simply outmatched this one.
Overall: Well, they certainly deserve more than 8th, that's for sure.
SoRealCrew, USAGood: The leather jackets are nice. It's an all-Filipino dance crew in the USA. The choreography's considerably ok. Arms of An Angel? Well, kudos on being able to make that work out. It was nice.
Bad: Uhm, well. Once again, too little street and original killer moves.
Overall: They may deserve better spots. Then again, they may not.
TMC, New ZealandGood: I like the floor moves, and the two-layered shirt. The flip over flip was nice to watch. Nice sliding head. The in air split was nice. Isolation is cool, they should do more of it. And the ending series was cool. Flip over three, flip from body, and three people flipping. Nice.
Bad: They aren't that good in popping. Can't really see the pop.
Overall: TMC should be higher up the charts. Too bad they lacked the flavour to get there.
Kaba Modern, USAGood: The Icons of popping, locking and isolation does not disappoint. And they have the hottest female Asian dancers too. Great choreo and synchronisation. Pelvic thrusts on the ground? Haha. They did that for ABDC, right?
Overall: Well, can't say this was their best performance, but they shouldn't be this low, should they?
Black Soul Company, MexicoGood: Great choreo, great faces. And nice mix-up of the different styles of hip-hop. Ti was quite entertaining. And go krumping! Isolation part was cool. Nothing special, but cool nonetheless. Nice vogueing.
Bad: Unequal amounts of energy at some part. The Michael Jackson part was not cool.
Overall: Well... I don't see them getting higher than here, actually.
Street4One, NED [?]Good: Good synchronisation, they looked good together. Nice moves and nice choice of songs. Michael Jackson tribute was nice. nice Jamaican theme. Great isolation.
Bad: Is it just me, or did they take styles from a LOT of other crews, like Jabbawokeez? Attires were too plain. There were some parts they weren't synchronised, though. Some looked late in their moves.
Overall: Yup, they're last.
Peace out,
11:18 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

The badges on my bag!
Yes, those badges are on my bag. Haha. I had one more that said, "I admire gays; they leave more women for me." But I lost it. Sadded. D: Anwyay, yeah, these are the badges on my bag. Enjoy the view.
Went to school today. And damn, I never thought school could be so long before. It's been almost three weeks since I last had lessons, and I prepared myself for nothing except the Chemistry lesson. In other words, I slept and chatted my way through Physics, English, Maths and Social Studies. Ponned Mother Tongue lesson to go home, so I left school at 1. Yeah, I'd stay usually, but I had an appointment with Hurul. We were supposed to meet at 1.30, but at that time, I just reached home. So, I just quickly changed and waited for Hurul under her block. She came down at 1.50. Haha. She lives right next block, btw. O.o
So, we went to Mac, both wearing green. xD
We waited for Alia, found a table, then I met Masruni. Ani came afterwards, and Lia appeared too, with her boyfriend, who has a bike. Hurul then asked me to faster become 18 so that I can get driver's license and drive her to school on my bike. xD Fine, fine, I will. Studied chem all the way to 6, before walking around at West Mall, giving 5 bucks to a donation drive meant for the people in Philippines who suffered under the typhoon. Yeah. Went home after that with Hurul. After all, we do live right next block to each other. >_>
Imma skip school tomorrow. And I know how. I'll just pretend tomorrow marking day, so no school! Mwahaha.
Note: The papers my teachers have given me, in just three subjects, has accumulated up to a 3cm pile of papers. Ok, slightly lesser than that, but it's still a lot. Nice. >_>
... And you serious? o.o
Peace out,
9:42 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Result Of Boredom
Well, it's the second day since this board was born. And I just realised that it was 10/10/09. Perhaps I should have waited till next year?... Nah. Haha. Well, nothing much happened today, really. Just caught up on the Supernatural series. I'm now at Episode 5 and on equal levels as those lucky bastards in America. Hehe.
I spent the whole morning finally mixing up the songs for my prom performance; Prom 101. YAY! I'm ready for it! Haha. Credits to D.J. J.H., or however you actually call yourself. Sorry bro.
Cuz was at my place last night, cause she just moved house and her room was still full of boxes. We went to West Mall Mac just to buy her dinner, before heading home again. And watched The Ugly Truth. Third time I watched it. You can say I'm a fan of the Ugly Truth. Not just the movie, but probably it's ideals too? o.o What? It's unique? Have you seen the badges on my bag? Haha.
And I dreamt about being... Somewhere, but people called me something different. Flouwheezy, I think. I realised when I woke up that it was my name, with an F in front and a Y behind. F-Louisse-Y. =D So... Thinking about it, and asking my BFFAE and sis, I guess it's my new stage name! FLOUWHEEZY!
And I love limegreen-black combo. It's cool.
15 more days to start of 'O'-levels... Good luck to me?
Peace out,
8:45 PM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Welcome to Arcain's Domain

Picture of Nadia and I~
Hey, one and all. This be my new blog. Yay! Don't ask why I did it, cause I don't either. I just did.
Well, I did a couple of things today. I revised on Geography, which I realised I was kinda becoming forgetful about. And other than that, I learned how to Twitter on the phone, though I've yet to try it. And also put it up on blogs. Yay.
Thanks to my sis for helping me with this. And thanks to all that relinked me.
Welcome to Arcain's Domain! Oh, and I'll transfer the Song Of The Month to here once I feel like it. Until then... Live with the silence. Mwahahah.
Peace out,
10:16 PM